Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Shrove Tuesday… Pancake night

 Another quiet evening in small-town America. The wind is blowing and we have had a lot of snow since last night. I put some leftovers out for the cat that’s sleeping under my shed.  I was just watching a little TV well enjoying life at the little house.

I am just not sure how it got to be Shrove Tuesday already; tomorrow is going to be Ash Wednesday. I always say that each day brings us closer to spring but I am counting the days myself.  

Growing up in Newfoundland we would have pancakes tonight with little trinkets in them.  It was a nice family time and I realize it’s been a very long time since I’ve had any family time. It has been over a year since I’ve seen my grandchildren with the COVID-19 and the closed Canadian border.  What I wouldn’t give to be sitting at a table with all the kids my son and his wife. It will be so awesome to have been able to serve a pancakes this evening for my family.  

I live by myself with two little dogs; Living very simply in small-town America can be lonely. I briefly signed up for a dating site in hopes of meeting other people who were just as lonely.  The responses that I received were discouraging… LOL.  I was looking for somebody to go to dinner with from time to time. It would’ve been nice to meet someone who love to go to flea markets and yard sales like I do. So, I closed that account and chalked it up to experience.  It is easier to continue to live simply than to complicate my life.

Sign me, living simply in small-town America.

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