Monday, August 14, 2017

Back to Work...Peace and Quiet

I drove up to the little house on Friday morning after work.  I brought a love seat and chair for the living room; the couch needed to be replaced.  Managed to get it out of the van and onto a large sheet of plastic that I could drag the chair (and love seat) around to the back door.  Maneuvering both pieces and getting them into the house took some  My tenant just had a pacemaker put in so she was having a hard time watching me work to get the pieces into the house.  Once I got that done I settled the pieces into their places; it looked very nice but I do believe that the chair is a little large for the little house.

On Saturday, the fence panels that I had ordered arrived early in the day. This gave me time to put together a dog enclosure for Little Dude and Punkin.  Again, I did way too much!  I have two piles of stones that need spread out but that is going to have to wait until next weekend.  I need a

Sign me, Worn out
Living Simpy in Small Town America

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