Monday, August 10, 2020

Checking In - July 14, 2020

I just popped back inside to take a break from the humidity that has kept us at bay for the second week.  The temperature had dropped down to the 70s from the oppressive 90 degrees we were suffering with.  I took a moment to check the last time I had posted; it was surprising to see that it was back in April!

The border to Canada remains closed; it has been extended for another 30 days so grandchildren visits will have to be postponed again.  I had hoped to get a chance to see them this summer but the pandemic has changed a lot of things, that included.

August 10, 2020

I just realized that I had not published the post above in July after all and here it is August.  My world has remained much the same with minimal financial output; the only exception being money for home improvements including materials and labor.  I have a new front porch since Spring so this inching along is working out well for me.  It is very comfortable and it has been a long time coming.

Cork came down from Canada to visit for 12 days; he is an American and he was able to cross the border.  It was so wonderful to see him after so many months of being away.  His cancer has not returned; he is in remission.  God is good.  We enjoyed spending time together; it was a nice respite from my daily norm of social distancing to the max.  He had to self-quarantine when he returned to Canada; this came complete with calls from the Government of Canada to track his contacts.  He is doing well and he may come back down later on.

Now that August is upon us, I find myself thinking of the necessary preparations for fall and winter.  Part of me feels like I am rushing it but I do remember just how cold it can be here when the snow comes.  The cottage needs closed in on the sides before fall so that I will be snug in the winter months.  There is plenty of time to get these things done.  I feel like the pandemic has really messed up this year; it feels out of sync or something.  

It is good to be back in the little house in small town America.  It is lonely but it is a peaceful time not a bleak period of restrictions and deprivation.  Social distancing, wearing masks, no hugging, no shaking hands, no problem...just moving forward trusting in God.

Sign me, Living Simply in Small Town America...wearing my mask.

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