Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Week Two - Retirement 101

Good morning from Small Town America.  It is another peaceful day here at the lake with fresh snow that is supposed to turn to rain by noon.  I realized that I am happy yesterday...not just happy but content here in the little house.  I have to find a part-time job to bring in some kind of income, of course.  Yet, it is so peaceful here that it makes it all worthwhile.  God is good.

I did not spend any money yesterday.  It is my goal to be as thrifty as possible with the basic needs covered.  Today, I had to pay my DISH TV bill off as I was advised that if I did not pay the $160 in the 20-day interim I would be charged the entire amount.  This is due to the fact that I was not with them for two years before I deactivated my account.  Choosing my battles these days, I paid the debt and moved on.  My cable service is ample for what I need.  $800 - 135 = $665 to live on so I am satisfied that this will be a beneficial move.

It is nice to be back to living simply; I don't miss the confusion and chaos.  I do miss my patients, of course.  Yesterday, I called to inquire about doulah training through the hospice house in Batavia. No luck as the trainer is out on vacation so I need to call back next week.

Today, I need to do a couple of errands and pick up a friend to bring her to a meeting.  She moved here from Mississippi in November so she is freezing her behind off in our snow...lol.  I have a fleece scarf for her.  Paying things forward...

Sign me, Living Simply in Small Town America

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