Thursday, May 3, 2018

Saturday, April 26th, 2018

We have started the Big Book meeting and last night we were reflecting on the history of AA.  We spoke about Ebby Thatcher and his meeting with Bill Wilson, who would become the co-founder of AA.  Unfortunately, as inspirational as Ebby's transformation from low-bottom drunk to a sober productive individual was, Mr. Thatcher continued to struggle with relapsing sobriety until his sober death in 1966*.  He played an integral part in AA's history but he would remain bound by the insidious disease of alcoholism.

Bill Wilson and Ebby Thatcher

It was important that we included Ebby's involvement with The Oxford Groups in our discussion.  Further, the Washingtonian Temperance Society needed to be mentioned as they were also influential in the history of AA.

We read, "The Doctor's Opinion", reviewing at length the words of Dr. Silkworth written at a time when there was no recourse for alcoholics.  At that point in history many would die in sanitariums as victoms of their own alcoholic downward spiral into insanity.

Next Saturday we will move forward into the next chapter.  All are welcome.  Sandwiches and soup are on the menu.

Read about the Washingtonians and The Oxford Groups here:

The Washingtonian Temperance Society

Frank Buchanan and The Oxford Groups

*Edwin Throckmorton Thatcher (Ebby)

Sign me, Living Simply in Small Town America

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